Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tight Quadriceps Femoris Muscles

So, the quadricep femoris muscle is the area that bothered me Wednesday when I attempted to do my first track work-out since the workshop last Saturday. However, this time, with help of "takin' it down a notch", I was able to complete the portion of this work-out that I was intending on doing!!  Yah!!!  It did feel a bit tight, as well as the inner thigh on the other leg, but I just didn't push it too hard and was successful!!  All and all I did 2 mi. (I know it is much, but I haven't run much in quite a number of years and I know it is WAY harder to GET in shape than it is to get OUT of shape.)  I have invited myself over to my friend Lisa's house who has a nice warm bubbly hot tub.  Just what I think my aching muscles are calling for!! Oh, and of course a nice glass of red wine, almost as good for the heart as all this exercise!

I am hoping to get back to the pool this week although my head cold is still hangin' in there, but all this exercise helps get it out (lotsa snot rockets!!! ;-) I just can't imagine trying to swim and exhale through my nose with all this gunk in there ;-(

The weather was pretty nice today, didn't rain a whole lot and sun actually made an appearance.  Although it was bit windy & nippy.  The best part about the day was I had NOTHING on the agenda, no ball practice or no functions!!  That was the best part!!

I think I forgot to mention in yesterday or today's earlier post that I take my measurements each Friday and all are the same except my waist was down 1.5"!!  Woo hoo!!  BMI down slightly and body fat too!

I'm thinking tomorrow would be a good day for a bike ride, provided Mother Nature cooperates!

1 comment:

  1. I like your new background! Great St. Patty's Day spirit! All that green goes very nicely with my image of you blowing "snot rockets." Ewwww! I hope that head cold clears up soon.
