Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"If at first you don't succeed....."

well, you know the rest but here is my version, "tri, tri, tri again".  Well, that is what I will have to do with my track work-out Lisa B. gave me.  Had my first attempt at it but felt something pull in my upper right thigh area.  I warmed up, stretched and thought I was all ready to go but I guess not.  I will try swimming tomorrow for the first time in a week since I got this head cold.  Will let you know how it goes. Weigh-in is tomorrow!!  I am pretty tired so going to hit the hay!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angie,

    Congratulations. I love the title of your blog. Getting into my forties was the greatest motivator ever for weight loss. I figured if I waited any longer to finally lose the weight, I would be so old no one would care anymore. I wanted to have a few years of being fit and fabulous before the inevitable aging become apparent. It worked and triathlon was a big part of it. Keep it up. Don't accept anything less than success.

    Best Wishes

    Ingrid Loos Miller
