Saturday, March 13, 2010


I was checking out some of the blogs I follow this morning and ran across this is VERY interesting.  If you want to read more of what Cameo has to say about Candida click on the SKINNY button on my blog and then select "meat the authors" will find Cameo's post there.  She has some awesome tips for the cleanse and what sounds like a yummy vegetable crockpot meal.

As an avid runner weight loss has never been my goal. By running, I keep in pretty good shape. But the last couple of years I have had some difficulties with infertility. I have gone to the doctor and they would give me drugs which just cover up problems instead of solving them. My mother-in-law is a total nutrition/naturalists fanatic. So I asked her to get me in contact with some natural help. After visiting with my nutritionist she told me I have what is called Candida which is an overgrowth of yeast in my body. I am not just talking about yeast infections, but just throughout the body. She basically told me I was addicted to sugar and she was right. Every afternoon after work I would need some kind of sweet fix to help me get through the afternoon. She put me on a very strict diet... but I didn't consider myself overweight so I refused to call it a diet. So I am here to tell you about the Candida CLEANSE! From what I have read, I am pretty sure the majority of people have some aspect of Candida. Now the cleanse/diet is pretty strict. It won't work for everyone, but if you choose to adapt some aspects of it into your life... it really does get rid of "cravings." I was told that it takes about three months to change your body so I would recommend being "strict" for 3 months. Here is the plan...

For the first two weeks... Nuts, Vegetables, and lean meats
Weeks 2-4... Add frozen organic berries, grapefruit, and lemons
Weeks 4-6... Add legumes, beans, etc.
Weeks 6-8 and then four more weeks... whole grains (brown rice and quino)

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