Monday, March 29, 2010

Pain Free & New Numbers!!! has been almost a week!  My how time flies when your having fun!!  So one of the best and most important things I have to report is that I have been fairly pain free for a couple weeks now.  I still have to watch it when I do my track work-out and not go too fast on my interval training or my quad tightens up and hurts.  But I've found if I ease up a little it is manageable!  Yeah!

So my last post left off last Tuesday when I had a great swim in the a.m. and met my friend Sharon for a dreaded track work-out in the p.m.  Then on Wednesday I tried a Yoga DVD.  It is a Bob Greene Weight Loss Yoga!!  It was actually really good and got my HR up there!  I am going to incorporate more Yoga into my work-outs.  I ended up taking Thur. & Fri. as DOR's and going on a 12 mile bike ride on Sat. then took Sun. as a DOR as well!!  Too many DOR I think.  That is something I need to work on.  It seems it is harder for me to get a work-out in on days when the kids are at home.  I need to get this figured out before summer or I'm going to be in BIG trouble!!  Today, I swam and progressed more on my endurance!  Where I was once only able to swim 1 lap w/o stopping I can now swim FIVE!!  I am VERY thrilled with this progress!  I know to some swimmers out there it may not seem like much but I am pleased!  I had hoped to get on the elliptical this evening but was too tired. Tomorrow is another day!!

Now for the new #'s!  Weight down another 2.6 lbs. for a total of 15.8 since 1/12; hips down .5", legs down .5" and bust down .5".  I am pleased with this progress as well.  I have lost every week since 1/12.   Some weeks smaller than others but ALWAYS in the right direction!!

Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow.  We have typical spring weather here in the Great Northwest (aka RAIN!) so there will be no bike riding or track work (I might melt!) so it looks like elliptical &/or Yoga!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I don't know about you but I can tell it is baseball season.  I haven't posted anything for several days.  Well, not a whole lot of training to catch up on as I took 3 days of rest (DOR) Fri., Sat. AND Sun.  I didn't really intend on doing so but with the kids home and running around to baseball practices and basketball games it was a little hectic and it just simply did not happen.  To top it off I wasn't being very good on either of my weight loss plans, WW or BFC (that would be weight watchers of belly fat cure).  I wasn't horrible but wasn't on track.  I still made better choices than I did before I started all this.

Sharon and I did go on a bike ride yesterday, 8 miles.  We are picking up the pace a little.  What took us 50 minutes the 1st time and 46 minutes 2nd time took us only 43 yesterday.  I know it isn't much but every little bit counts and it means we are getting in better shape!!

I took new measurements yesterday for the BFC plan I am "trying" to do.  It is sooo hard to not eat sugar.  It is in EVERYTHING!!  But I am trying.  No real change from Friday's measurements.  Basically I think I lost 1.5" in my waist doing the BFC plan and down a few lbs.  My scale is not very consistent so I can't really judge by weight.  I am having difficulty trying to do both WW & BFC.  I think it can be done, I just have to calculate everything before I eat or prepare to make sure I can stay w/in my WW pts.  I figured up my WW pts. this morning after I had breakfast after my swim and was VERY surprised to see I had pretty much consumed all my pts. for the day!!  Guess it is salad for me for the rest of the day!  Also all my carbs for the day per the BFC plan.  Oh well, live & learn!!

If you didn't catch it, I went for a swim this a.m. after dropping kids off at school.  I had THE best swim yet! I think part of it that the head cold is finally gone and I used the little pool boey between my knees.  This made it so I couldn't use my legs at all so I didn't get winded so easily.  I was able to do 3 laps consecutively, then still w/o stopping really, did backstroke or breaststroke for 2 laps, then did 4 laps consecutively!!  Yippee!!  I am actually improving!!  I am VERY excited about this because the swim is what I am the most apprehensive about.  I even did a few flip turns, although I went a little too deep but did them nonetheless!!

Sharon and I are meeting this evening while 2 of my boys are at baseball practice to do a track work-out.  I really don't like these but I'm thinking this is where my cardio is really improving.

Well, I think that is it for now!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Numbers.....

Time for some new numbers.  So this week I'm down another lb., waist down another 1.5", body fat FINALLY under 30 (29.5!!!) and new BMI of 26.5!!

Ended up taking a DOR yesterday.  Will probably do that elliptical work-out today that I was planning on doing yesterday.

If anyone out there is struggling with weight loss you should check out the blog I follow called "FAT CHANCE".  The author is Melissa, she has made an AMAZING transformation.  She began her blog on 7/30/09 at 261 lbs. and today, at week 31, she is a slender 170 lbs.  She is inspiring!!

Sharon and I are planning on going for a bike ride tomorrow, so...until then!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Progressing Nicely...

Boy, I need to get caught up!! Yesterday, Wednesday, I did end up swimming in the a.m. and biking in the afternoon.  Although my swim didn't seem too productive, I have to give myself points for even going as it was my first time back in over a week since I got this head cold (which is trying really hard to go away but lingering nonetheless).

 I did go on the bike ride with my friend Sharon, fellow TriBabe/Tri Turtle Tri competitor.  We had a most awesome ride.  Went a little further than usual, about 8.6 miles and averaged a little faster speed and didn't need to stop really any all other than to take a drink of water.  The ride felt good although afterwards my left knee started bothering me again.  As soon as it did, I took some ibuprophen and that seemed to help quite a bit.  It only lasted that evening and I was able to do an interval track work-out with Sharon this evening. We did a 1/2 mi. warm-up, stretched and then I did 2 repeat 200's and 2 repeat 100's and some more stretching...can I just say interval work is not my favorite!!  My quad felt tight as soon as I started the 100's but was fine doing the 200's. It seems as soon as I try to pick up the pace it clamps down.  Will just have to ease into my running work.

I think I will get back on the elliptical and burn more record # calories tomorrow!!  WI was today and I was down another 1 lb. for a grand total of 13.2. I felt as if I'd lost more but only the scale can tell!!  I will take measurements tomorrow a.m.  Things are going to be crazy the next few days with kids & their activities but will do my darndest to get my work-outs in regardless!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Officially Registered for Danskin Tri!!!!

It is official, I am registered for the Danskin Triathlon in Seattle August 15th!!!  Woo who!!  I was so nervous this a.m. thinking I may not get in as I heard it fills up rather quickly, say in a matter of hours and sometimes minutes!!  But I got in and it is actually still open, so nothing to worry about!!

I am doing pretty go on my "low sugar/low carb" program.  I have had a couple of weak moments today though, but was still pretty good!

Did the elliptical this evening and per my friend Sharon's suggestion, tried one of the "programs" and it kicked my booty!!  I usually just do it on manual and just recently have began increasing the resistance and the program I picked used some levels of resistance that I had never touched before!!  Toward the end of the 30 min. program I had to lower the resistance some as my HR was up quite high and I really wanted to finish the program, even if that meant at a lesser resistance.  I finished and by the end had burned a whopping 443 calories!!  That is the most I have burned in one work-out in a VERY long time, let's just say I can't even remember!!

I have high hopes of going for a bike ride with Sharon tomorrow a.m. but I'm afraid the weather isn't going to cooperate.  If it looks like rain, I may head to the pool right after I drop the kids off at school.    I could even still meet her early afternoon for a ride if it clears up....there is a thought....a double work-out!!  I guess if I expect to do a triathlon, doing a swim in the a.m. and a bike in the p.m isn't too much to ask.

Asta manyana!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A New Twist....

Good Day All, I am putting a new twist on my weight loss program.  My sister has been telling me about the Jorge Cruise Belly Cure program so I decided to pick-up the book at Costco and take a look at it.  Bottom line is cut out sugar and keep carbs to a limit (6 servings/day). I figure seeings how I carry most of my weight in my belly this would be a good addition to my current weight loss program.  I took hip & waist measurements today so will let you how things look next Monday.  Although I do have WW weigh-in on Thursday & new measurements then too.  Maybe I'll see results by then???  We can only hope!!

I'll keep you "posted", literally!! ;-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

STILL Tight Quad

I guess I can't expect muscles to repair overnight...I can only dream right?  My right quad is still tight/sore.  When I knelt at church this morning I could feel "the burn"!!  I now know a good way to stretch my quad, just kneel and lean back a little.  Or the ol' grab your foot behind your back and bring the foot towards your head...owie!!

Sharon & I went for another ride today.  Our usual 8 miles in a local golf course community.  It was a great day for a ride; dry, sunny (somewhat) and not terribly cold.  We finished our 8 miles in a little faster time, burned 267 calories and neither of us dropped dead or crashed!!  Now I'd say that is a success!!  We talked about maybe soon increasing our distance and/or adding a walk on after the ride.  Do our own little "BRICK" (bike & run/walk) work-out.  When we begin our "official" TriBabe work-outs in May we will be doing Bricks weekly and swimming in the lake weekly (can you say, "Honey, thanks for the AMAZING bike but I think I need a wet suit now"!).

Oh, before I forget, I wanted to let you all know how I had to justify my bike ride today to my 11 year old daughter who wanted me to take her to the Y for public swim.  She tells me she wanted me to take her to the Y while her brother was at practice to which I tell her I couldn't because I was going on a bike ride with Ms. Sharon, to which she says, "well, you don't HAVE to".  It was right about that time my blood boiled and head exploded.  I firmly (and perhaps a little loudly) informed how that was the one thing I was doing for myself today, and yes, you are right, I don't have to but there are a lot of things I don' t have to do but I do, like, let you watch your favorite TV's shows this evening or let you go to your friends house next time you get the picture.  I just want all you moms out there to not feel guilty when you do something for YOU.  You need to make YOU a priority.  Some of you probably aren't even on your list of priorities but you NEED to be.  Maybe not #1, maybe not #2 but somewhere!

I guess I will get off my soap box and close for today.  The rain is suppose to be coming back so looks like my next few work-outs will be indoors.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tight Quadriceps Femoris Muscles

So, the quadricep femoris muscle is the area that bothered me Wednesday when I attempted to do my first track work-out since the workshop last Saturday. However, this time, with help of "takin' it down a notch", I was able to complete the portion of this work-out that I was intending on doing!!  Yah!!!  It did feel a bit tight, as well as the inner thigh on the other leg, but I just didn't push it too hard and was successful!!  All and all I did 2 mi. (I know it is much, but I haven't run much in quite a number of years and I know it is WAY harder to GET in shape than it is to get OUT of shape.)  I have invited myself over to my friend Lisa's house who has a nice warm bubbly hot tub.  Just what I think my aching muscles are calling for!! Oh, and of course a nice glass of red wine, almost as good for the heart as all this exercise!

I am hoping to get back to the pool this week although my head cold is still hangin' in there, but all this exercise helps get it out (lotsa snot rockets!!! ;-) I just can't imagine trying to swim and exhale through my nose with all this gunk in there ;-(

The weather was pretty nice today, didn't rain a whole lot and sun actually made an appearance.  Although it was bit windy & nippy.  The best part about the day was I had NOTHING on the agenda, no ball practice or no functions!!  That was the best part!!

I think I forgot to mention in yesterday or today's earlier post that I take my measurements each Friday and all are the same except my waist was down 1.5"!!  Woo hoo!!  BMI down slightly and body fat too!

I'm thinking tomorrow would be a good day for a bike ride, provided Mother Nature cooperates!


I was checking out some of the blogs I follow this morning and ran across this is VERY interesting.  If you want to read more of what Cameo has to say about Candida click on the SKINNY button on my blog and then select "meat the authors" will find Cameo's post there.  She has some awesome tips for the cleanse and what sounds like a yummy vegetable crockpot meal.

As an avid runner weight loss has never been my goal. By running, I keep in pretty good shape. But the last couple of years I have had some difficulties with infertility. I have gone to the doctor and they would give me drugs which just cover up problems instead of solving them. My mother-in-law is a total nutrition/naturalists fanatic. So I asked her to get me in contact with some natural help. After visiting with my nutritionist she told me I have what is called Candida which is an overgrowth of yeast in my body. I am not just talking about yeast infections, but just throughout the body. She basically told me I was addicted to sugar and she was right. Every afternoon after work I would need some kind of sweet fix to help me get through the afternoon. She put me on a very strict diet... but I didn't consider myself overweight so I refused to call it a diet. So I am here to tell you about the Candida CLEANSE! From what I have read, I am pretty sure the majority of people have some aspect of Candida. Now the cleanse/diet is pretty strict. It won't work for everyone, but if you choose to adapt some aspects of it into your life... it really does get rid of "cravings." I was told that it takes about three months to change your body so I would recommend being "strict" for 3 months. Here is the plan...

For the first two weeks... Nuts, Vegetables, and lean meats
Weeks 2-4... Add frozen organic berries, grapefruit, and lemons
Weeks 4-6... Add legumes, beans, etc.
Weeks 6-8 and then four more weeks... whole grains (brown rice and quino)

Relatively Pain Free Today!!!

Well, I don't have any super painful area to report today.  The lliofemoral ligament strain seems to be getting better.  Not as painful.  I ended up taking another DOR yesterday.  Was going to try to ride but it was just too windy and rainy at the times I was going to go out.  Did some housework and got groceries.  I guess even though I'm training for a triathlon my kids still need to eat!!  Not quite sure what I will end up doing today.  If Mother Nature cooperates I may attempt to do the track work-out again, but this time "take it down a notch".  Great advice from a dear friend of mine, thanks Kirsten!!  I am hopeful that I will be able to complete the beginning phase of this work-out this time.

Registration for Danskin is on Tuesday the 16th so wish me luck getting into it.  It opens and closes in a matter of hours with over 5000 participants!!!  Exciting and scary all at once!!  TTYL ;-)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Iliofemoral Ligament???

So not to confuse anyone for too long, for now, I have decided to make my blog title for my daily posts my most sore or troublesome area as I am finding that I am constantly sore and most times in a different place each day.  I had to look today's area up on a skeletal map and the lliofemoral ligament is what I came up with.  Just woke up yesterday a.m. and it was sore.  I think it is just saying, "hey, what are you doing to me!  You've never used me too much before, what gives??"  So, I took my DOR (day of rest) yesterday.  It is still a little sore this a.m. but I think I just need to get it movin' again.  I had planned to go on a bike ride this a.m. with my friend Liz but I think it is going to be too rainy.  Not comfortable riding in the wet stuff yet, it's a control thing.  I may just do the elliptical here at home and try to get some house cleaning done, key.

One little tidbit of exciting news, weigh-in was yesterday and I lost another 1.8 lbs.!!!  For a TWL (total weight loss) of 12.2 lbs.  I am VERY excited!!  Now to take my measurements today (complete with body fat & a new bmi measurement with my new weight!!).  That was my second largest weekly weight loss since I began January 12th.  My first largest was week #1 in which I lost 5.4 lbs.  Talk about motivation!!  I SOOO believe in this weight loss program I am doing.  If you want to hear more about it, feel free to comment back!

Until tomorrow....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"If at first you don't succeed....."

well, you know the rest but here is my version, "tri, tri, tri again".  Well, that is what I will have to do with my track work-out Lisa B. gave me.  Had my first attempt at it but felt something pull in my upper right thigh area.  I warmed up, stretched and thought I was all ready to go but I guess not.  I will try swimming tomorrow for the first time in a week since I got this head cold.  Will let you know how it goes. Weigh-in is tomorrow!!  I am pretty tired so going to hit the hay!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ridin' in the cold!!

Well, winter has finally decided to come to the Great Northwest!!  We are having some below freezing temps and even a little snow flurry yesterday!!  Headed out for a bike ride with my friend Sharon this morning in a chilly 28 degrees!!  I think it warmed up to about 36 or 37 by the time we arrived back to our cars.  We rode the 8 mile ride I did last week through one of the golf course neighborhoods we live near.  It was nice.  Didn't get my  heart rate up as high as last time but sustained a lower rate for longer.  We had a great ride!!  It is so nice training with a friend.  We are going to meeting tomorrow evening at the track to do some of the running training Lisa B. gave us on Saturday!!

Oh, I almost forgot...I did end up getting on the elliptical yesterday for 25 minutes.  I really need to start working on core strength in conjunction with all this cardio!!  Sharon is going to give me a copy of a yogo dvd so I can begin that a few days a week as well!!

So far so good...I am however icing my knee as I type as it is bothering me a bit now.  Didn't at all on the ride but once done I have this burning sensation in it....???  Just old I guess!!

Until tomorrow!!  Can't wait to see how my legs respond to running again after Saturday's workshop.  STILL a little sore ;-)  No pain no gain right??  That is what a very wise cross country coach used to tell me back in high school!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just keep movin'...

Today my friend Sharon & I met for a little bike ride.  We rode along a bike path in Gig Harbor (approx. 5 mi.) while my son practiced baseball.  It was fabulous!  No traffic, nice rolling hills and the rain held off until we were done!!  Can't ask for much more than that!!

Still quite sore from yesterday...even abdominals from the standing crunchies she had us do!  Lisa (my TriBabe leader) is very much into yoga so she had us do some yoga stretches after we ran.

Not sure what I will do for work-out tomorrow...probably start the run work-out Lisa gave us or the elliptical.  No pool until this head cold is gone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Suckin' Wind!!!

Well, Lisa B. of the TriBabes kicked my TriBabe butt today with her Running Workshop!!  We ran a 1/2 mi. warm-up, then ran 1 mi. to get a baseline time, then did some 100 yd. drills to work on our form.  After that we did 2 repeat 220's (ran 220 yds. as fast as we could, then slow for 220, then again).  OMGosh....this is where the sucking wind came in!!  But more so when she made us do repeat 100's.  Thankfully only two (run fast for 110 yds, slow for 110, fast for 110 & slow for 110).  Man, I need to run more!!  You don't even want to know what I had my heart rate up to!!!  I'm hoping my HR monitor was wrong and it wasn't really as high as it said!  Took a nice warm bath already and am ready for bed (it is only 4:30pm ;-()  This head cold is knockin' me for a look too!!  I think it is an early to bed night!!

Until tomorrow.....

Gettin' back on the horse....

Good morning all...well, it has been two days since I worked out.  I am a little disappointed but hey, when you are sick and hurt what are you to do.  I am attending a TriBabe training workshop today on running and interval training so will be running for the first time in a while.  Been swimming, biking, elliptical and walking but no running.  Will see if my bum ankle is up for it.  Still feeling crumby with this head cold but will forge on.  If I didn't have getting in shape for these triathlons hanging over my head I would use this cold as a good excuse for lying around doing nothing, but I can't afford to do that now!!!  I have a goal weight to get to and a fitness level to get to and by golly it IS going to happen!!

Catch ya'll later or tomorrow!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby Steps...

Well, my ankle is a little better today and my head cold is still hangin' in there.  The Ibuprofen I'm taking is serving two purposes...ankle inflammation and sore throat!  I think I'm going to see about getting a shot in my ankle today to speed up recovery so I can get back on the training wagon!!  Maybe I will even be able to get a work-out in by days end!! Wish me luck......

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minor Set-backs

Good evening all!!  Well, today hasn't been the most productive day with regarding to my training.   I awoke this morning at 2:46am with a horribly sore throat and knew I wasn't going to get much of a work-out done.  I did walk a little this morning with a friend before WI (weigh-in), but then had things scheduled most of the rest of the day and was still feeling crumby when I arrived home.  I have high hopes of getting a good nights sleep so I am well rested for tomorrow.  One other little set-back, some of you know a little about this already, but I have what they can only figure is a shepherds fracture in my right ankle area and when I sit with my feet up just right it catches and is very painful.  Sometimes it doesn't catch all the way but when it does it makes it virtually impossible for me to bend my ankle without excruciating pain.  It does work itself out in a matter of days.  Ice & ibuprofen help it go away faster....oh, and a little cortisone shot works wonders too.  Let's hope it is better in the morning AND dry outside so I can go for another bike ride!!  I'll keep you posted!!  'Til tomorrow!

Oh, down another 1/2 steps!!  Retaking my measurements again tomorrow as well as body fat/BMI.  Sorry, you won't get those #'s until they are worthy of being shared!!  Good night all!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eensy Weensy Mini Tri Work-out!!!

Good day (Wednesday) I was bound and determined to get to the Y to do the laps that I was planning to do yesterday as well as some other form of exercise to make up for missing a work-out. So, I set out this morning, dropped the kids off at school and headed to the Y.  Started off with some laps & a little interval training my TriBabes coach suggested.  I can't really say how many laps I did as I am concentrating so hard on my stroke and breathing that I totally lose track.  After laps I changed out of my suit and headed upstairs to get on a stationary bike. Tried this new bike out called Expresso??  It is kind-of like a cross between a stationary bike and a video game.  It was very cool!!  I got to pick the level of difficulty, the type of trail (i.e. coastal, redwoods, campus, city...) and you even have to shift gears & steer somewhat.  It definitely kept my mind off the work-out!  Then, I jumped on a treadmill (TM) for a little cool down.  I felt so much better than yesterday when I didn't get a work-out in at all!!  So, that was my "Eensy Weensy Mini Tri Work-out", get it, swim/bike/run (well really walk)...but all the components were there, just in minute form.

Well, that is all for today.  Weigh-in (WI) is tomorrow.  I don't think I am down too much more from last week as I missed two more days of exercise than last week and I have tapped into my weekly allowance points where last week I didn't so much.  Wish me luck ;-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Triathlon Commitment!!

Well, a couple weeks ago a friend of mine sent me an email & said she was going to do a local sprint triathlon and invited me to do it with her.  I have always wanted to do one so I began considering it.  I was a little apprehensive because at the time I didn't have a means to train for the swim and that is most definitely my weak spot.  So, after about a week of thinking about it, I decided to rejoin the Y so i would have a place to swim and bike, as I didn't have a bike yet either.

The day after I rejoined the the Y I took part in an Intermediate Swim Workshop sponsored by a local triathlon group (Kitsap TriBabes).  It was amazing!!  I learned so much and it felt so good to be in the water.  My stroke wasn't too bad actually.  Still, I have A LOT of training to do to get my cardio up to speed.

I got back to the pool on Tuesday for some laps & again on Thursday.  I got a little work-out from Lisa B., the gal that heads up the TriBabes (which I am very proud to call myself) and boy, do I have some work to do in the pool.  It is sooo different when you get winded in the water oppose to on land when you can take a breath whenever you want.  Something to get used to.

As of last Thursday the 25th I have lost almost 10 lbs. since January 12th!!  I currently count my points and am held accountable by a weekly group meeting. I am very excited about becoming fit before I turn 45!! Hence the blog name
"B FIT B4 45"

This past week I picked up a brand spanking new bike!!  It is a beauty!!  And I went on my first real ride on it yesterday...8 miles!!  Sustained HR of 130-160, top speed of 26 mph, avg speed 11.5 mph, burned 283 calories!!  Boo YAH!!  That is what I'm talkin' about!!!  It felt great!!!

Well, so far so good.  I just hope my aging body holds out!!  I guess that is it for my first blog!!